Lorena did not have enough the first time so she came back for more. We fucker her tight pussy again and gave her a big load to swallow down.
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Hairy Bush
Not sure how Lorena fell into the hairy pussy category?
This is an interesting scene. Lorena has a cute, slightly confused look about her. Her pussy isn't too neat either and she's got bits of bush going on. I like that. There's lots of good pussy fucking and fingering here. It's an intense scene with lots of close ups and you can almost smell the pussy, the camera that close. Wonderful. 9/10.
I actually really like the stubble around her pussy and asshole. It gives it a very realistic vibe. Because, in all honesty, everyone has fucked girls like this. This girl is actually very cute. A real good fuck, takes it rough and swallows like a champ. She also has a really pretty face, I don't get why this only has two stars...