A couple of cum hungry bitches get their holes pounded. Two big loads get delivered and the girls swap them like champs.
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Review This is another great combination of girls. On one hand the cute, fiery Stella with an absolutely smoking hot body and the rounder, fuller figure of Barbie who loves anal. First off, the two girls work well together and are friendly enough for girl on girl kissing and ass licking;Stella is a smashing blonde and funny too. I loved her in the reverse cowgirl scenes amongst others but its a shame that she takes a slight back seat to Barbie on camera. Barbie too is a joy to watch. She is at her best in the ass squeezing anal and D.P scenes and ultimately steals the show. It would have been nice to have seen Stella in anal or D.P too but I guess we can’t have everything. I hope Stella returns for some one-on-one action (Asstraffic – hint!). Verdict 8 / 10 Description Stella (gorgeous, tanned blonde) and Barbie (sweet,dark haired chick) parade their sexy bodies before the camera and undress each other. They take turns licking each others ass before almost out of nowhere one the male stud’s cocks enters the picture and consequently Barbie’s ass.After a short opening anal scene, the girls move on to blowing the guys off. While Barbie continues the sucking, Stella is fucked nice and fast in her pussy. Barbie’s partner then proceeds to bone her doggy style and before long the girls are moaning for more. The exhibition continues with Barbie taking the anal route in many different positions including cowgirl, doggy style and on her side, sometimes two to three times over. She even gets D.P’d twice. Meanwhile Stella allows only her pussy to be penetrated in scenes that really show off her very sexy, athletic body that include positions such as doggy style, spread eagle on her back and a double helping of excellent reverse cowgirl banging. The shoot finishes with Stella swapping a gooey load, into and around Barbie’s mouth who promptly swallows. Stella’s fun personality is seen again before the close and the the two snuggle up beside each other for the dying moments.