I always wanted to bang the paper girl. Suzane has a really nice big round ass. I pounded her pussy as that ass of hers was high in the air.
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Suzane is a young and fresh looking brunette. She starts out showing off her ass by walking around outside. After that she gives a blow job to the guy in the scene. I must say she really has gorgeous eyes. After a little sucking she turns around and presents her ass to him. He doesn’t hesitate and puts it right in. The action turns inside ant they continue the action they started. While doing this her pretty face is frequently in the shot. She turns around and some straight forward sex is performed. For the final act she turn around and rides him till he comes. The scene is regular and I would like to see some more involvement from the actors. It all seems a bit mechanical. The good looks of Suzane make up for this though. Overal rating 7 out of 10