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Victoria is ready for a hot oozing butt creampie. She shows off her perky nipples and then gets fucked by a lucky stud. A jet of cum drips from her butt.
Length: 36:05, 29 pics
Site: AllInternal
Sex: anal, blowjob - single, vaginal
Cumshot: creampie - anal
Position: doggystyle regular, reverse cowgirl, spoon
Length: 40:10, 53 pics
Sex: 69, anal, blowjob - single
Site: AssTraffic
Cumshot: facial
Position: missionary, reverse cowgirl
Length: 20:58, 70 pics
Site: AssTraffic
Sex: anal, blowjob - multiple, blowjob - single, double penetration
Position: doggystyle regular, dp - reverse cowgirl, missionary, reverse cowgirl
Cumshot: facial - bukkake, swallowing - multiple, swallowing - single
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All models were 18 years or older at the date of production which has been documented diligently. You may not use this site if you're not at least 18 years of age ordo not meet the age requirement to watch explicit pornography set forth by your respective domestic law.
What a shame that some of the truly great porn stars were in an era before HD vids. Victoria Swinger gave tremendous performances which should have been preserved in HD.
“Silence is wet … unless you’re a pornstar!” Face: B+ Body: B+ Charm: D Sex: D (A: I’m going to explode, B: Surefire stiffy, C: Hey, at least it’s sex, D: Time for a sandwich) HIGHLIGHTS: None … I was too busy doing my taxes When the camera begins to roll, Victoria Swinger looks like a classy porn chick with a very pretty face and I was expecting a good performance. What I got was 2 mutes swapping bodily fluids in silence (were they filming in a library?). There’s virtually no dirty talking during foreplay and, quite frankly, her companion didn’t do much to coax her into being the least bit vocal. We don’t hear so much as a grunt until around 14:30 when a small “eh!” manages to emerge from her clenched jaws. Maybe this girl was new to porn and just camera shy, if that is the case we should open a new site for her called “Hidden Cam Porn” and catch her in the act of nailing her boyfriend … maybe then she’d be a little more lively. Or we could catch her in the act of delivering a pizza, cause that may be the only job she can do if she keeps stinking up the screen like this. Gonzo is about the performers engaging the camera. Yes, she acknowledged us by looking our way from time to time, but there was nothing enticing about her presence. My recommendation: steer clear from this one, there are so many more great vids on this site to jam your hard drive with. I'm hoping some of her other movies are better. --Scene Doc