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Nora's eyes will hypnotize you. This newbie blonde with blue eyes gets fucked by a massive cock. She's pretty shy but takes that load in her pusys like a champ.
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All models were 18 years or older at the date of production which has been documented diligently. You may not use this site if you're not at least 18 years of age ordo not meet the age requirement to watch explicit pornography set forth by your respective domestic law.
Nora may go down as the hottest most sexiest piece of ass on this site. Her ass is perfect, her breasts are PERFECT, her pussy is inviting, her body is tight and her face is beautiful. I cannot begin to imagine how good it was to load up her snatch full of cock juice. I wish I could spend an entire day just pumping wad after wad in her cum canal. 10/10
One of the greatest porno scenes ever.
The perks of this movie: This girl, Nora, is simply stunning with some perfectly shaped big breasts, a beautiful face, and very pretty blue eyes. The sex was pretty good, especially the rough doggy-style and reverse cow-girl; those were the two positions that offered the most "audio." The cons of this movie: If you're a very "audio" person like me, you might find this movie just SLIGHTLY sub-par but nonetheless, it should be a must-see for anyone.